My favorite subject.

One subject that I enjoyed this semester was "Political Studies and Phenomena". The class has an atmosphere of debate on contingent issues or related to the study of politics and its institutions, we must be attentive to the questions that the teacher can elaborate since anyone can answer it, it also has a character of philosophy that allows a variety of answers without detailing whether it is correct or not. This allows everyone to be sure of being able to raise their point of view and thus diversify the content and data that we can rescue from the different topics.

Some of the main contents of the subject were the formation of political parties, forms of government, social movements among others.
What I like the most of all is that it encourages participation in debates that by the way generally produce an excessive nervousness, this helps to have a better handling in situations of exposition, presentations, speeches, etc. A fundamental component for the future development of our professional personality.


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